Monday, October 24, 2011

My Latest Obsession!

Still I haven't blogged in forever! I have a new obsession! It is so wonderful I can't contain myself! PINTEREST! I am in the middle of refinishing a used entertainment center into a "new" play kitchen for the grandkids Christmas present at our house! I am also about to start a huge felt food endevor! They have to have it! They need it...ok...I just want to make them! I promise to follow up with pictures but I must go to Michael's to get started! Bye...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spring and change...both are good!

Haven't blogged in a while because life has been so hectic! I have had a new grandson. Our first! He is perfect just like our three tiny girls! I have spent most of my days outside gardening! We ate our first home grown salad last night! Just our lettuce is ripe for the picking! It was really pretty!
I am knitting a lace shawl! I have tinked it three times! (tink is knit backwards btw!!!) All the way to the beginning! It will be really pretty and I intend to make several in pretty colors but this one is white!
Still, I am obsessed with cooking! I started a new hobby, if you can call it that, yoga! Last year I thought I would have to quit doing hair because my joints have been so painful but I am happy to report that I am much better and all because of yoga and Molly my sweet friend and yoga instructor! She is made of rubber and I am made of....well...something less flexible! I have made a lot of progress in that area though!
I have gotten to see some relationships grow where I thought they were "gonners"! It is amazing to me the healing power of forgiveness!! And thank God!
I will come back later with pictures of the garden and shawl but for now I must spend the morning outside as it is really pretty! Good Day!