Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This is my newest skill as a knitting addict! I am learning how to knit socks. I haven't gotten much past the toe because I knitted on this one for hours and my hands are sore due to the size of the needles. I am loving it though!
My newest love is felting! I knit a bag. Wash it in hot with some jeans or towels and shazam! The stitches disappear and the bag becomes one piece of fabric. It is being blocked on a box until it dries. This one has taken two days because we have gotten more snow. I will add the strap when it is dry and then gift it to my friend, Kelly! She is throwing me a bachelorette party with some other friends! Mostly just a girls night out!
I am currently working on another bag for my daughter, Courtney. Pictures to follow of course!
Steven, the knit snob, now has a blog with some really great knitted items. I will add him to follow. You should check it out! I can't wait for his afghan to be finished for Lorelai our niece! He can be found under theknitsnob.blogspot.com or click the soupboy471 in my follows list.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow and Brick Bread

With much snowfall I was off for about a week. While this is not good for the paycheck it is good for the hobby queen! I knitted, cooked, baked and had some interesting failures and successes!
This is the brick of white bread I attempted. Fail. It wouldn't rise and as I am an experienced bread maker much confusion occurred. We ate it anyway.

I mixed it right.

I used all the right ingredients! I even temped my liquid to make sure it wasn't too hot. Then my daughter, Britney and her mother-in-law tried the recipe (I had gotten it online) and it failed for them, too. So I am redeemed. I am not a bread failure after all!

This is Sophie hugging Belle while napping. Had to add it because they had been so good that day and I got lots of hobbies accomplished. Thus, success!